Kokoro Connect
Plot Summary: Kokoro Connect revolves around the daily, not
so normal lives of Taichi, Iori, Himeko, Yoshifumi and Yui and their encounters
in the Cultural Research Club. Up until recently they thought that they and
their friends lived normal happy lives, but now the Heartseed is pulling their
lives apart and exposing their inner secrets through body switching, urges and
age regression.
The love and teen pentagonal comedy follows the strange
phenomena at the Yamahoshi Academy's Culture Club, starting with the five male
and female club members switching bodies with each other.
Kokoro Connect
struggled in the early going, but it never wasn’t at the very least
entertaining to me. I can’t say the same for everyone else as it was getting
pretty mixed reviews during its debut.
But the show found its ground and strengthened to something
great. It wasn’t the greatest thing ever and it wasn’t at the level of, say, Space Brothers, but it was good. It had
interesting and compelling characters and the concept was weird and innovative
enough to be very entertaining while watching it.
But the concept was the driving point of this story. Without
it, we wouldn’t, I believe, go this deep into the characters. It spurred
everything and was the result of everything, so it couldn’t survive as a show
about these five characters. It would struggle to find its ground among the
dozens of other run-in-the-mill slice of life shows.
However, the result was the compelling plot device and
compelling characters. Each and every one of them seems to have a sad past
dwelling inside of them (don’t we all?) that they don’t want to reveal
immediately to anyone. And once we got to these, it gets really good. But it
starts relatively weak and ends on a maybe too open ended note.
Rating: 8.5/10
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